
Race to Mackinac #VCRacetoMac #CBNGIVEAWAY

My father has been participating in the Race to Mackinac for years, yet I have never seen him set sail, or been able to congratulate him at the finish!  It seems that summer weddings always seem to fall on race weekend. This year, I'm finally free. As a member of the Chicago Blogger Network, I have the opportunity to enter a contest that is partnered with Veuve Clicquot. Now how could I pass up entering a contest with VIP access to the race, while sipping  my favorite champagne? If I won, I'd have the opportunity to have such fantastic access to this exciting event, and to finally see my dad and his team set sail!  To get my best sea-worthy attire and photo, I headed to Montrose Harbor to meet team "Koko Loco", and learn about their training and preparation for next weekend. It was a wonderful enlightening experience, and time well spent! Now I really feel like part of the regatta family. 

I hope that you'll please "Like" and comment on my photo on Chicago Blogger's Network Facebook Page

The contest ends Tomorrow- so get on board!!  

All aboard in my nautical outfit.  
The baseball hat from The Chicago Yacht Club 102nd Race to Mackinac 2010, 
 a stripped bow-tie tank by Marc by Marc Jacobs,
 and cut-off jean shorts by American Eagle.
Montrose Harbor 

                    It was VERY hot out, I got a little thirsty.................

My Father is the winner of the BEST nautical outfit ; ) 
Love you Dad!!!! 


  1. Anonymous16.7.12

    So cute! Love your blog Kat!

  2. Thanks Melissa! When we going to eat at Homestead so I can blog about it??? : )

  3. I took a family trip every summer to Mackinac...great memories! Love the Veuve, the outfit and the family pic :)

  4. Aww! I love it :) I LOVE your blog Kat! :)

  5. Thank you Dr. Turowski!

  6. Love your outfit. Your dad is so cool!
