A Girl & Her Food: AVEC



Avec is my FAVORITE restaurant in Chicago and for sure would be my last meal if it ever came down to it.  When I used to live on Randolph I would frequent this wood-clan small communal seating spot all the time. However, no living in Wicker Park, with so many amazing new restaurants in Chicago and great foodie events, I rarely have a chance to eat at Avec.  But when I do have time, I go; and so worth the wait (no reservations :( 

Steve and I sat at the chef's table.  Hands down the best seat in the house.  I am warning you, we ATE a lot.  Chef Fred was manning the station.  I got a shot of him prepping our whole roasted red snapper.

We started with the warm tuscan kale salad with fennel, red onion, crimini mushrooms, parmesan and hard-cooked egg 

I learned from Chef Fred that you can order a half order (2) of their notorious chorizo-stuffed medjool dates. These bad boys are amazingly delicious with bacon and piqullo pepper-tomato sauce. I ALWAYS get these and the focaccia. 

The "deluxe" focaccia with taleggio cheese, ricotta, truffle oil and fresh herbs baked in the oven.  As I write this, I am salivating thinking about the smell and the taste! 

Earlier that day, via Instagram, I saw Avec was featuring a speciality pizza with salumi toscano, broccolini, parmesan and Gorgonzola crème fraîche.  I was so excited to order this; It was unreal! 

Steve and I live for a whole roasted fish.  Chef Fred made us a perfect roasted red snapper in aqua pazzo with chills, tomatoes, taggascia olives and capers with little neck clams. 

I can't leave Avec without having the nutter butters. As you may know, I am not a big dessert girl but I can eat these everyday. 

615 W. Randolph

Avec on Urbanspoon


  1. Yum- I love Avec! Total Chicago classic.

    1. Let's have a girls dinner there sometime Samantha! How fun would that be??? XX

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