
Shaved Brussels Sprouts Cesar Salad

Coupled with the fact that today is Meat Free Mondays, sharing today's recipe was easy, as Brussels Sprouts are also in season.  I hand picked these cruciferous gems at Green City Market, my local Farmers' Market, to make as the centerpiece of this shaved Brussels sprout salad.  This wonderful dish is not only easy to prepare, but its also delicious and healthy.  I prefer to eat this raw and cold, but feel free to sauté them in a bit of olive olive and garlic and toss in the remaining ingredients.  The key to this dish is shaving the Brussels sprouts as thin as possible to avoid any bitter taste. The shreds of red onion and the grated Pecorino cheese take my taste buds to veggie heaven! 


6 medium sized Brussels sprouts, thinly sliced 
1/4 red onion, thinly sliced 
1/4 Pecorino cheese, grated 
1 1/2 Tablespoons of Trader Joe's Romano Cesar Dressing 
Fresh ground pepper 


Wash and trim the ends of the Brussels sprouts. Remove and discard any damaged leaves.  Using a mandoline or a sharp chefs knife, thinly slice the sprouts. Next, peel the red onion and thinly slice it. Place the shaved sprouts and red onion in a large bowl.  Toss in the dressing and set aside for about 
10-15 minutes.  Divide the salad onto a plate and grate the fresh Pecorino. Season with some fresh ground pepper and serve.  Enjoy! 


  1. Yum! I want to eat this TONIGHT!!
    Lauren at www.lakeshorelady.com

  2. Oooh, yum! I've been on a major Brussels sprouts spree lately -- I'm definitely going to give this a try!


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