A Girl & Her Food: Salt-Roasted Potato Salad by Jon Shook & Vinny Dotolo at Chicago Food + Wine Festival


Salt-Roasted Potato Salad by Jon Shook & Vinny Dotolo at Chicago Food + Wine Festival

With the inaugural Chicago Food + Wine Festival taking place last weekend, my days were filled with cooking demos and tastings.  While most events are incredible, as a Polish girl, there was one that I knew I couldn't miss...Potato Three Way. 

I was so eager to watch Jon and Vinny (LA Chefs and Restaurateurs) do their magic on the culinary stage. I have been a HUGE fun of both of Jon & Vinny for years now, and I was eager to see what they would be cooking for the Chicago crowd, especially with Labor Day weekend looming. Before they kicked off their  demo, they were joined on stage by celebrity Chef Ludo, who added to the awesomeness with a preparation of a fancy mashed potato dish topped with some brown butter powder, French cheese and bonito flakes.  

Jon and Vinny's demonstration, however, of a salt-roasted potato salad, was something a bit more classic and one that you can do in your own home.   
As they say " you don't need a tricked-out kitchen to make a good meal!"  I like their style.  So with that, lay down those spuds in a bed of salt, let them roast, and toss them with some flavorful ingredients.   

Enjoy and Happy Labor Day weekend everyone! 

Salt-Roasted Baby Potatoes
serves 8

adapted from Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo's cooked "Two Dudes One Pan" 

2 3-pound boxes of kosher salt 
2 pounds whole baby potatoes ( red bliss, yukon golds, fingerlings, purple Peruvians)
2 teaspoons canola or grapeseed oil 
1/4 cup mayo or vegenaise
2 Tablespoons of finely chopped herbs like parsley and dill 
2 Tablespoons chopped red onion
1 Tablespoons caper, rinsed (optional) 
fresh ground pepper and salt 


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Pour 1/2 inch deep layer of salt into a baking dish or roasting pan so the potatoes have a bed to roast on. 

Toss the potato with the oil in a large bowl. Arrange them on the salt and cover the pan tightly with double layer of aluminum foil, crimping it around the edges.  Roast the potatoes until a paring knife easily pierces the center of the potato,  roast time is about 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes depending on the size of the potatoes.  

Remove the potatoes from the oven, remove foil and let it cool for 15 minutes. 
Brush off the salt and transfer them to a cutting board. Halve the potatoes lengthwise.  
In a large mixing bowl, add ALL the ingredients and toss to cover potatoes evenly.  Serve and enjoy! 


  1. Totally want to make this NOW! I love love love a simple potato salad but especially one this gourmet!

    Ashley || Sed Bona

  2. This year the chicago food and wine festival like a blast when I will get there. Oh well, the best part is getting to eat local foods and get to taste new outrageous things. As for doing things oneself, though sometimes it might be almost equally easy to pay someone to do an assignment if the deadlines are mounting, it’s time to take care of that!

  3. That sounds like an amazing experience! A festival filled with cooking demos and tastings is a dream for any food lover. As a Polish girl, I can see why Potato Three Way was a must-attend event—potatoes are such a staple in Polish cuisine! Just like a well-crafted name patch adds a personal touch to clothing, unique dishes bring personality to a food festival. I’d love to hear more about your favorite potato dish from the event!
